Saturday, June 6, 2020

Describe a person you know who is working on protecting the environment | Recent IELTS speaking topic

Describe a person you know who is working on protecting the environment.

Image result for save environment

Global warming is a huge problem all over the world.

Efforts are taken to protect the environment to prevent unusual climate change.

But here I would like to talk about the person who does campaign to protect the 

Mr Mehta, he is my neighbour and a retired bank manager.

Mr Mehta has a huge garden, where there are number of plants and trees.

And when I was young he used to take me and my neighborhood friends in his garden to plant some saplings and encourage us to protect mother nature.

Now when he is retired he has started a club named “GREEN CLUB”.

In this club, he has many volunteers who perform drama on regular basis to encourage people to protect and maintain sufficient green level on the earth.

Apart from that, he had distributed the tree saplings to the citizen of Ahmedabad (my hometown) in monsoon, so that they can plant in their societies, offices or school compounds and increase the greenery in the city.

For this good cause, he was awarded by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, as the distribution of saplings reached more than 5 lakhs of saplings.

I respect him because he went to each and every place where the plantation was carried out and kept watch that those trees are properly taken care off.

So according to me, he is the person who is very much dedicated to save our environment.

Happy Learning!
Stay connected to Vinay Patel Classes ( IELTS coaching center in Ahmedabad ) for more such topic and IELTS tips.